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> Customer example

Customer example

Save Money, Increase Accuracy

A large west coast hospital system used EntityWise to overcome a large backlog of Potential Duplicates (tasks).  They continue to use EntityWise and have been free from Potential Duplicates for 3 years

Whether you need a one-time cleanup to catch up on your backlog or an ongoing subscription we can help.

Potential Duplicates (Tasks)

Large Backlog

They had 250,000  Potential Duplicates or Tasks in
the backlog with thousands of new tasks
being created every month.

Hours Saved

Large Effort

They estimated estimated it would have taken their
data team over 13,000 hours to complete the

EntityWise resolved all in 51 hours and at equivalent results to the data team.


Large Costs

They estimated they saved $323,000
as a result of using EntityWise and
after 3 years they remain task free.

Schedule a 15min Call to Learn More


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